Resolving the Moral Impediments to Foresight

Dr Peter Hayward

Abstract: Why is foresight research often unable to create foresight actions? This paper explores whether an individual’s psychological development could be a factor. It employs the work of Jane Loevinger as a basis for exploring this hypothesis. It also examines the findings of the Global Lookout Panel which identified the factors needed for successful implementation of futures research. It suggests that resolution lies in the ongoing development of the researcher and decision-maker.


The Uses Of Foresight In EverYday Life

Dr Peter Hayward

Abstract: The ability to use foresight in order to make wise or prudential choices is one of the most powerful capabilities of individuals. Theories of how this capability, however, arises in individuals appear to have been largely ignored. This paper surveys the known research into the brain/mind processes that are relevant to the foresight capability. It identifies the likely cognitive and affective process that could be the antecedents of foresight in individuals. It identifies areas where further research is needed. It also suggests that the research scope needs to be broadened to consider the approach of other schools of psychology.